Check out all the neat things I’ve learned!


2024.8.18 - Hotfix

Fixing the scanning and OCR process

We got you covered! We have spotted some issues during scanning and OCR process but have already acted to have it fixed quickly.


New language support: Estonian

The MyQ Roger app now supports Estonian, expanding its language options to enhance user experience for Estonian-speaking users.

OneDrive connection fix

A critical update has been applied to resolve issues with OneDrive connections, ensuring seamless integration and reliable access to your documents stored on OneDrive.

Google Drive duplicate folder fix

We’ve addressed the issue of duplicate folders appearing in Google Drive. This fix ensures a cleaner, more organized cloud storage experience.

Duplicate workflows fix

A bug causing duplicate workflows has been fixed, providing a smoother and more efficient workflow management process within the app.


2024.6.6 - Hotfix

A hotfix 2024.6.6 was released for the following:

  1. Broken deletion of ready jobs
  2. Display and saving of job parameters
  3. Job freezing in the application after printing from MyQ Roger Client

2024.5.17 Android only

Fixing: log in using Microsoft

If you are an Android user you probably had problems to log in using Microsoft on the 2024.5.5 version. But now this problem has been fixed. Feel free to use your Microsoft credentials to access your folders, documents and workflows.


Option to print locked PDF files after entering a password

Lock a document behind a password is one of the simplest security action that everyone should adopt. Now, you can easily print your PDF files right after entering your password, helping you to be more effective and productive at work.

Company managed workflows for corporate users

I want to make sure that your experience while scanning and printing is unique, however, some companies prefer to have a setup that is followed by everyone in the organization, and this is not a problem. Corporate users can now use company managed workflows to their jobs.

Hiding Bessie's avatar in the application settings

I am here to help you, but I understand that I do need to be here all the time. If you want to avoid my avatar, you can now hide it via the app settings.

Updating the app for the latest version of the operating system

Any operating system nowadays require constant updates and your app should not be behind. Update the app to be always according to the latest version of the operating system.

Fixed broken printer renaming in the Recent Printers in the Cloud section

Administrators now have more control over broken printers recently fixed directly in the Cloud section.


Improvements to the login process via Microsoft

If you have a Microsoft account to use my features, I have worked hard to make your life easier. The login process via Microsoft is much more smoother. Check it and let me know how you like it.

Minor fixes and improvements

Every fix that I do is to make your experience better, however, some of them are minor technical improvements that are too complex (and boring) to list them in details. I just want to let you that in this release I have worked out a few fixes and improvements in the background.

Microsoft conditional access

Now your organization is able to rely on Microsoft conditional access to make sure that security requirenments are been followed by every user, granting a higher level of security to all documents.


New further improvements to the login process via Microsoft

As a follow up improvement from the last release notes, when you log in with Microsoft Intune, you are now automatically notified to download necessary applications such as the user authentication application and the Intune Company portal.


Improvements to the login process via Microsoft

When you log in with Microsoft Intune, you are now automatically notified to download necessary applications such as the user authentication application and the Intune Company portal.



Improved Microsoft login integration

Hello, I have just updated the Microsoft login integration and now I can provide support for Microsoft Conditional Access.


Improved Microsoft login integration

Good news! I have improve the Microssoft login integration and can now provide support for Microsoft Conditional Access, enhancing security on user and identity levels.


Fix logging in with Microsoft for Business accounts

Setting security policies for users using a Microsoft account are updated.


Lock your scanned PDFs with a password

Guess what? I've added a super cool security feature for you. Now, when you scan a document using MyQ Roger, you have the power to secure your PDF with a password. So, all your precious scans stay safe and sound, only accessible to those who know the pass.

Print Parameters Makeover

Life's all about choices, right? And I'm all about making things easy for you. You know those times when you've changed your mind about print settings – like color, duplex, collation, copies, or format? You can do it in the Ready to print section.

Smooth Sailing with Lightweight Printers

We're all about streamlining, and we haven't forgotten about our lightweight printers (you know, the ones without all the fancy terminals). You can print on those printers with NFC tags. We've whipped up a simplified user flow that's as easy as pie. Just choose the documents you what to print first and then swipe for print and scan the printer's NFC tag.

For Admins - Tap into NFC for Printer Magic:

Brace yourselves for some tech wizardry! Now, you can register printers simply using NFC. To pair the NFC tag with printer you don't need the printer's QR code. Just pick your printer from the list. It's like magic, but better, because it's real!


More Languages with OCR

Great news! I've been hitting the books (well, algorithms actually) and learning like crazy. Now, when you scan documents using our OCR feature, you'll be amazed at how many languages I can recognize – over 80 of them! So, whether it's English, Spanish, French, or any other language you need to extract text from, I've got your back!

Neat and Tidy Reports with Auto Currency Formatting

Nobody likes dealing with messy numbers, right? Well, worry no more! I've learned some nifty tricks, and now, when you check out your reports, you'll find the currency already formatted to perfection.

Embracing the New QR Code format

Change is inevitable, and I'm all about embracing it! I upgrade QR codes and I'll be support both the classic and new format. You can keep on scanning with confidence and ease, knowing that I'm here to handle both QR code variations!


Improving the application stability

I understand the importance of a stable and reliable application. That’s why I’m thrilled to share that I integrated an advanced analytics tool, specifically designed to detect and address application crashes more effectively. With this update, I can confidently rely on the app’s improved stability, ensuring a seamless and uninterrupted experience during you cloud operations.

Camera color issue

I’m delighted to inform you that we have successfully resolved the camera color issue within the workflows. Now, I can trust that the colors in my captured images align with reality.


Enhanced login process

I have made minor improvements and adjustments to enhance the login process through Microsoft authentication.


Greater password security

From now on, you can display or hide your password during login. This will allow you to easily check if you have entered your password correctly and will also ensure greater security, especially when you are in a public environment. Just tap on the eye icon, and your password will instantly be displayed or hidden according to your preference.

Better readability

I have made modifications that focus on improving the user interface with enlarged text. Thanks to these adjustments, you will have better readability and easier usability with larger text.


Microsoft login process issues fixed

We’ve listened to your feedback and worked diligently to address any issues you may have encountered during the Microsoft login process.


New shortcut to your printer and scanner

I now have a new feature that allows for quick login to your printer and scanner via the app icon on your phone’s home screen. Simply long-press the app icon to access the shortcuts.

New file sorting feature

For Onedrive Business and Dropbox users, I introduced a new file sorting feature in the Documents tab. You can now sort your files by date and name, making it easier to keep them organized.


7 new OCR languages

I want everyone around the world to enjoy flexible digitization of documents from their phone, so I added 7 new languages to my OCR library! Now, I support 14 languages in total. When you're setting up a new OCR scanning, you can pick any language from the list, download it and you are all set. You'll find the text digitized and ready to be copied in your (cloud) destination of choice. Enjoy your mobile multilingual digitization! 

Save documents to cloud with MyQ Roger

If you don't like opening various apps to manage your documents, I have a simple solution. You upload documents stored on your phone to cloud using my intuitive interface. Just choose MyQ Roger in the "Share with..." dialog box, log in to the app and save the file to any of your connected cloud storage (Box, OneDrive...). Select your desired folder and put your files there. It's that simple. 

Smoother printer control

With MyQ Roger, printer control is swift and efficient. You have two options to choose from. You can control the device from your phone the whole time or you can pass control to the printer and process your documents from there. To make this process easier, once you press the Login button in your mobile app, I'll let you decide between mobile or printer control and save this setting as default. If you change your mind, you can simply change the setting by long pressing the Log in button which lets you choose the control method again. 


Boosted native Android printing

To all the Android users out there - your phone printing just got a flexibility update! From this release forward, your native Android printing can join forces with MyQ Roger. When you wish to print something with the native "Print" functionality. The file gets printed when you log in to the printer or I keep it in "Ready jobs" if you decide to print it later. 

Finetuned connection to Dropbox  

I've found out you might have had problems while connecting your Dropbox to the MyQ Roger app. I ran some tests, found out where the issue was and now everything's up and running. Feel free to add Dropbox to the list of your favorite document cloud storage. 

OneDrive credentials optimized

I've noticed some users' credentials didn't get displayed in the detail of the OneDrive storage in the Profile section. I turned on my "Sherlock Holmes mode", investigated why the information disappeared, and I cracked the case! Now all everyone's credentials are always present.

Google Drive connection: stabilized 

Some of you seemed to have connection issues with Google Drive leading to an automatic disconnecting of the storage. I found the root cause and now the connection is super stable again. 

Text on the left, Bessie on the right

I did an analysis of better text perception and decided to swap the "Home" screen layout. From now on, the text will be displayed on the left, and the picture of yours truly on the right. Hope you'll enjoy the new arrangement. 



Brazilian Portuguese added: Maravilha!

Flexible scanning can come in handy all around the world, so I spent the autumn buried in Portuguese textbooks, and now I speak Brazilian Portuguese! Not only that, I've also added it to my OCR knowledge base, so you can now turn your Portuguese documents into editable PDFs in a few clicks. Let's scan something, Brazil!

Printing PNGs: optimized 

I've seen you often wanted to print graphic materials in the popular PNG format, so I've learned how to process it as well. Feel free to select your PNGs for printing and queue them! I'll internally transform them into PDF files and add them alongside other documents you've asked me to put on paper. PDF, JPEG, PNG... the choice is yours! 

Guarding your offline scans 

Say you've run out of mobile data, but you still want to capture and safely save documents to your cloud. Scan the files in an offline mode with your camera, and to make sure you never lose them, I've added an extra layer of protection. If there's any kind of issue, while you're back online, you can still download the scanned files to your phone and don't have to worry about scanning them again or losing them.  

Matching the workflow experience 

I've made another step toward making your mobile scanning workflows smoother and more efficient. Previously, the output parameters you've selected for the scans while creating a workflow were all included while working with a printer, but on mobile, you needed to still select some properties manually, e.g. the color. Now, if you set up a Black & White workflow, you'll get monochrome output on both the printer and the phone without needing to click anything extra. 

Pairing of existing NFC tag 

Good news for the IT admins! If your printer already has an NFC tag, you won't have to rewrite it to add it to the system. I've learned how to read it and pair it with the printer right away. 

Offline mode going strong

I know online is the new black, but I am well aware you might not always be able to connect to the internet. That's why I pay special attention to offering you as much as possible in the offline mode. Apart from downloading the queued scans, you can also view your recent workflows with no Internet. This saves your time having to set up your favorite recent workflow all over again while offline.  

Recent cloud files in Today's Documents 

I know you often want to further work with your cloud scans later in the day, so I made it easier to access them in the Today's Documents folder. There, you'll find all the files you've scanned to your cloud in the period you can set up: it's 1 to 5 days. No more multiple clicking to find the receipt you've captured 3 hours ago, I'll have it ready for you in one click! 


Naming scans the way you like

I've noticed you encountered some issues when changing the default name of your scanned files using a special character. I've fixed it and now the new name won't stop you from saving the scan at hand. 

No more keyboard overlapping

I saw that when you wanted to edit the name of the document using the "Share" function or save scans to "My phone" the virtual keyboard overlapped the system dialog that would allow you to share or save the scanned file. Don't worry, from now on, I hide it once you're finished typing and you can finalize your workflow undisturbed.  

My documents – accessible again

As you might have noticed in the Google Drive tab under Documents, I put all the files you print or scan with the default workflow in the My Documents folder at the very top. It was not possible to open it for some reason, but I looked into it and now you can open it without problems and work with all the files there.


Scan without login

I want to teach everyone how flexible mobile scanning is, so I opened the app for any user. From now on, you no longer need to sign in to start scanning! Just install the app, open it and you're ready to go. As a cherry on top, you also get free multilingual OCR! Turn it on when launching the scanner and select the language you wish me to turn from image to text. Save the searchable PDF to email, internal mobile storage, or share it directly via another app.  

Box added!

I’m thrilled to introduce another member of our cloud team – Box! You can use it to work with your files anywhere alongside Google Drive, OneDrive, and Dropbox. Connect it directly in the app and level up your availability even more.

Workflows in offline mode

As you might’ve noticed, I’ve been working hard on providing you the best service possible also when you’re not connected to the internet. Now you can launch your cloud-based scanning workflows offline. I simply queue up the document and upload it to the cloud destination you’ve chosen once you’re back online.

Changing destination after scanning

After launching one of the default scanning workflows, you can change the preset destination right before hitting the SAVE button. To always send your scans where you want, create personalized actions in the Workflows tab.


Scan to Email Finetuned

I've noticed the scan to email workflow had some graphical issues that could slow down your fluent work. I've corrected it and now everything runs as it should. 


Remote cloud printing in an instant:
Safe Google Cloud Print replacement

If you were to need it, I learned how to directly print your documents from remote locations – just like Google Cloud Print did. When you are 100% sure the printer tray is safe, you can now print directly from anywhere without logging in at the printer. This can be useful e.g., for teachers with an MFP in their office. They can prepare handouts and other materials for their classes at home, remotely log in to the school printer with MyQ Roger, print everything they need, and simply pick up the printouts on their way to the lesson the next day. Or you might directly print a file for your trusted colleague at the office while you're working from a café.  

With this feature activated, you now have a safe 100% replacement for the depreciated Google Cloud Print! I know how to send your files safely to the printer from anywhere and to release them you either authenticate when you stand by the printer or I print them instantly no matter where you currently are. Get more print flexibility than that! 

Going multilingual with the OCR

In the last release, I boosted your scanning with a precise OCR engine for English. I am well aware you might be working in a multilingual environment and not all the files you wish to have digitized are in Shakespeare's mother tongue.  So, I enriched my OCR with 5 new languages: Czech, French, German, Polish, and Spanish. When you're about to scan, I ask you to choose the document language for capturing. Want to change it? Go to the action settings and easily change it. Go multilingual OCR from anywhere!  

Dropbox: activated!

The MyQ Roger cloud family grew one member bigger: Dropbox. You can put this popular cloud storage alongside your Google Drive, OneDrive or iCloud to be your document processing pal. You can set it as one of the cloud destinations for your scans in a workflow. If you want to print from there, please note you also need to be connected to Google Drive or OneDrive. I process the document through one of these storages and then sent to your print queue. 
P.S. Dropbox integration is only available in the MyQ Roger mobile app, not in the app for printers.  

Document collaboration right from the app

Let's say you're at a conference and want to send the program you scanned to OneDrive to your colleague via WhatsApp. Do it directly from MyQ Roger! I've added the "Share" function to your cloud files. Simply click on the document's options and select the app you want to share the document with - be it an email client, a chat app, or others.  

Access files shared with you

I'm doing my best to finetune your hybrid workplace for you to collaborate better with your team from anywhere. Let's say your colleague shared an interesting presentation with you through his drive and you want to have it on paper. Well, your wish can come true! You can now find the "Shared with me" files in your cloud tab, and I am ready to put them on paper. 

Smarter document search

I made searching your cloud for a specific file much easier. From now on, you can also search for a folder not only a specific file. When I encounter the target of your cloud search, I'll scroll to it and let you know about it - if it's a folder, it will blink, if it's a file, I'll automatically select it.   

Digitize and print websites

Found an intriguing website you wish to save for further use? For example, a hotel or flight reservation that normally takes you 3 chaotic screenshots to capture?  I made it a few-click task. Select MyQ Roger when you click on the "Print" button and there you have it. You can access it when you need it or have it printed right away.

Document options available in the Home tab

With MyQ Roger, it's my main mission to maximize the flexibility of working with your documents anytime, anywhere. I've been adding more and more actions that you can perform with your docs (sharing, editing in other apps...), and I want you to always have them at your disposal. Now you can go to the options menu from the Home tab. Open the setting menu by clicking on the three dots or newly by long pressing the file at hand. 

Faster "Lost connection" pop-ups

I made cloud your close document buddy and I always want you to stay connected. To make sure it stays that way, I've incorporated faster notifications to let you know you've been disconnected. Be it because of lack of internet connection or an unwanted log-off.

Measuring Bluetooth printer distance

To make get better oriented in the Bluetooth devices in your office, I will show you how far from you a specific printer is. This way, you can choose the closest device. Log in to it and make those documents fly!

Option to turn off "show password" on Android

If you are peculiarly protective about your passwords, you can take their safety one step further. In the Profile section of your Android MyQ Roger app, you can turn off the "show password" feature. As a result, there'll be no preview of the characters you are typing, only unrecognizable dots.

Voiceover/Talkback optimized

I go regularly through all the features I offer you and I've noticed a few issues with the use of Voiceover and Talkback. All is working fine now, so give these assistive tools a go.  

Access to Google Drive no longer required for Google login

Starting with this version, you are no longer required to automatically connect to your Google Drive when using your Google Account to log in. Of course, you can add this cloud storage later on in the app, I'll be happy to make it happen. 

Offline mode stabilized

Missing an internet connection is a bummer for any hybrid work. I'm doing my best to let you enjoy MyQ Roger in an offline mode as well. When the connection crashes, I won't automatically log you off the app, and your work can continue - e. g. with precision scanning to your phone's storage.  

Autofill of personal data

If you have the autofill option turned on on your phone, you can also use it to shoot me your info to fill in your profile. No more unnecessary tapping.   


Professional document capture + OCR

Scanning is one of my main document strengths and I want you to get it at its finest. That's why I got a new, more powerful scanning engine for a top-quality PDF capture of your documents. It's very handy when it comes to scanning the document edges and smoothing any unevenness on the paper. It also provides precise OCR (so far, it only supports English), so you also get an editable PDF that you can further process in other programs. Take it for a scanning ride and you'll see the difference in a second.

Chromebooks and tablets looking sharp

You've heard me talking about the mobile-first concept, nevertheless, you can also enjoy MyQ Roger from your tablet or Chromebook. I optimized the environment on these devices, so you get the same convenient user experience on your iPad/Android tablet/Chrome OS device as on your phone.  

More details on your printed files

In the magical palindrome release, I introduced you to your personal print reports and accounting. Since then, I've leveled up this functionality to give you even more details on your printed jobs.  See how much you spent on BW + color prints, toner, and paper format.  

Sending feedback

I am excited about hearing how's your experience with the app going. After some time, I'll send you a feedback form where you can let me know how you feel about using the app. Do you miss some features or need me to fix something? Let me know, all feedback is welcome! 

Doing more right from the app

Do you want to make your queue grow a pair of docs bigger? From now on, you don't have to leave the app to add them. Just click the big plus button and add anything you like. Also, if you want to create a new cloud folder – e.g. for a project you just thought about – you can do so at the cloud storage tab – no need to leave MyQ Roger.  

Boosted job uploading

I figured out how to speed up your job uploading. When you need to have that large PDF file printed it will get queued up at full steam both to the app and the printer. You'll be also able to watch the progress with a percentage bar showing how fast I can go now.  

Smoother manipulation with scans

To get a better view of all the things you've scanned, I now display each scanned document on a separate line. When you're about to save the captured files, there is a new dialog that lets you save the files where you want instead of sending them to the default MyQ scan archive. 

Advanced login protection

If set up in the tenant, you can be asked to change your password after your first login to the app on your phone. This will make sure only you are the keyholder of your account. The tenant can also require two-factor authentication. When this function is turned ON, the first time you log in to the app (or after a log-off from your account) in addition to your username + password, you'll be asked to fill in a code that I'll send you via an email or Google Authenticator. This way, I'll be twice as sure it's you.

Auto-reconnect to your cloud

As you work with your documents, I'm always checking in the background, if all the systems are running as they should. If you get disconnected from your cloud storage, I'll let you know immediately to log in again to keep your document work flowing.   

Saving to iCloud

If Apple is your go, you can also employ iCloud as the place to save your scanned files on your iOS device.  

Option to delete your account

If you decide it's time to part our cloud ways, you can easily delete your account in the Profile tab. Of course, if you decide to give 100% cloud document processing a go again, I'll be more than happy to make you a new account. 


External login finetuned

To give you bigger freedom of document processing from the account of your choice, I tweaked your external login option in another scenario. With this release you're able to use your Apple/Google/Microsoft login even though the Self-user registration is disabled at the tenant you're using to process your precious projects.


Fixed Upload of Large Files to OneDrive for Business

I've heard you had some trouble uploading large files to your OneDrive for Business account, so I've quickly fixed everything for you. Your OneDrive uploading is up and running smoothly now, so take as many scans as you wish and send them off to your desired destination! P.S. Don't forget about the new options to create/edit cloud folders that I brought you in the previous update.


Choosing/Creating a cloud folder for your scanning Actions

From now on, I give you three cloud storage options to choose from when you’re creating a new scanning Action. One, you can opt for the one you already know – the “Scan” folder I set up for you automatically in your cloud drive. Second option is for you to either select an already existing cloud folder or to create a destination of your own anywhere in your cloud storage, and I’ll send the processed files there. Third, I can always confirm with you where you want me to put your scans. 

Select Region for data saving during registration/login

Great news for all MyQ Roger enthusiasts from States – now you can enjoy using the marvelous Smart Digital Workplace Assistant in the USA. To comply with the data retention policy of some institutions, I’ve added a US datacenter to my offer. So now when you register or log in, simply select the US region, if you’re logging in from the States, and of course EU, if you work with MyQ Roger from Europe.

Open/edit files in OneDrive and Google Drive

Let say you’re about to print out an important Google Doc you put together with your team, but at the last moment you find a Terrifying Typo in the file’s preview. Fix it fast, directly from the preview – open the document in your Google Doc app, make adjustments and print the perfect version. The same goes for OneDrive files and fixing them on the fly in your Office Word app. Just click the three dots by the file, select “Edit” and you’re on – the file gets opened in a dedicated app/cloud drive environment. All done through the MyQ Roger mobile app.

Reports added to the “More” tab

If you want to keep an eye on your print activity and see your spendings, I have fresh reports for you. Go to the “More” section of the app and take a look at how much you spent on your printing & the details of your processed docs such as their color or name of the MFP that took care of them. I prepared all the information in a comprehensive form so that you can instantly see how much you paid for what.

Going offline won’t stop your scanning

Have you lost access to the Internet? That won’t stop you from working with MyQ Roger anymore! Even if the connection crashed, you can still log in to the app and take advantage of my advanced scanning abilities, scan anything you wish with your phone and save the scan in the phone’s internal storage. Once you’re connected again, you can process your docs that are waiting for you online.

Hiding unknown Bluetooth devices

If you don’t have MyQ Roger admin rights, I’ll only show you the Bluetooth-connected MFPs that are a part of your MyQ Roger network. This way you can simply pick the one device to print them all from your Bluetooth menu and the unknown devices won’t bother you no more.

Setting section added to “More”

To make the personalization of your MyQ Roger app smoother, I collected various set-up options under one new “Settings” section in the “More” tab. Here you can select to have the app in light/dark mode – whichever fits your eyes best (previously in “Profile”) and you can also turn ON/OFF the App lock feature that protects the access to your app (previously as a separate tab in “More”). 

Bigger speech bubbles

You’ll be able to read everything I’m telling you in the app more easily. I added more space for the speech bubbles and enlarged the text that fills them, so we can understand each other better. 

In-app search optimization

I tweaked the search bar’s position, so finding what you need through the app will get as easy as it can. Just click the magnifying glass and let the search begin! 

Help feature update

If you stumble upon something you’re not certain about, do not worry – the help feature is there for you to be of an assistance with the app. Just press the question mark button in the initial walkthrough or when you’re using the app and you can be sure my help is on the way – I'll get you info about MyQ Roger, how to control it or MyQ documentation.

Faster logout

I've learnt how to speed things up when logging you out of an MFP. You can be done with the session even faster now and proceed to new tasks quicker without being afraid someone will access your work – once you log out from the MFP, you’re automatically logged out the app as well.


New language – Polish

I wanted to broaden my Slavic languages portfolio, so I started 2022 submerged in a pile of textbooks. A few weeks later, I included Polish into my language skillset. Wspaniale!


Log in to the printer with Bluetooth and NFC technology

The smartphone you’re holding in your hand might be smarter than you think! And I want to make the most of its potential, so I’ve added two extra ways of pairing your MyQ Roger app with a printer nearby – you can either scan an NFC chip attached to the printer, or enable pairing via Bluetooth. Plus, if you’re a sysadmin, the app will allow you to write the local access code on the NFC chip directly in the app too.  

Open docs for editing from the OneDrive or Google Drive tab

It’s now easier to edit your cloud documents before you send them to the printing queue – open them in the relevant editing app straight from the cloud tab in Jobs! 

“Scan to PDF” improved with better cropping and file export options

Android users were not having a good time when it came to cropping and exporting documents scanned with the phones rear camera, and it was one of my main tasks to fix that. Phone camera scans now look much better in the output PDF.

“Scan to e-mail” action asks for the address when you launch it

It used to be the case that you needed to manually enter a target e-mail address for your scans on the printer’s panel. Not anymore! When you’re setting up Scan to E-mail action, you can either set a default target e-mail address (like the one you used for your Profile in MyQ Roger), or tick the option “Ask me every time” to be able to enter any e-mail you like on your phone when you’re launching the scan. 

Long tree structure optimized in the Jobs tab & scroll bar added

When you dive into the depths of your cloud folder to dig out a file, it’s nice to have a lifeline telling you where exactly you are. The pathway at the top, right under the cloud tab, now shows you your current location and abbreviates the rest. We’ve also added a scroll bar to the right side for even better orientation.

Progress gets highlighted when switching to the browser

When opening an external link switching you to a browser, MyQ Roger used to display an empty blank page. It looked like an error, so I’ve added a progress icon. 

Recent actions are updated after using the Camera Scan to PDF function

When you scan a doc with your phone, MyQ Roger remembers the configuration (like where you stored the new PDF file) and saves it in Recent Actions for you, so that it’s even quicker to repeat it next time.

Full-text search in cloud tabs looks inside too

Full text search in your cloud folders not only looks at file names, but also inside the document – so if you can’t remember the name of the doc, you should be okay with at least some key words you remember from inside!



Microsoft login bugfix

We fixed issues with logging in via your Microsoft account.


Today’s documents on the dashboard (Home)

I want MyQ Roger to be that app that anticipates what you need before you think about it yourself – that’s why I’ve added “Today’s documents” to your Home dashboard, where you’ll find suggestions of recently downloaded files that you might want to print out, or scans from the Scan PDF function. It does make a difference, you’ll see!

Swipe a Ready job on the dashboard to print or delete it easily

Having docs waiting in the print queue doesn’t mean you can’t change your mind. Swipe righto fast-track your document to the printer or left to delete it.

Open & preview Ready files or Today’s docs on the dashboard

If you tap “preview” on a document already queued up, you’ll get the chance to check it right before printing and make sure it looks the way you need it to.

Perform easy full-text searches in Ready jobs, Google Drive and OneDrive

To save you the frustration of diving into your folders every time, I’ve added full-text search to all connected cloud folders. Tap on the magnifying glass, start typing the title of the file you need printed and I’ll find it for you in a wink.

Save PDF scans to your phone

When you scan your document with your rear camera, one of the places to save it is, of course, locally on your phone. MyQ Roger will also do this when the destination you select for your scanning workflow is "USB storage" – which is primarily there for when you launch this workflow on the printer, but is now also recognized by your smartphone. 

Unlock MyQ Roger with FaceID or TouchID (biometrics)

If you’re one for extra safety, turn on the App Lock in Settings. It’s a good way to secure your documents without too much bother. When you open the app, MyQ Roger reads your biometrics in a split second and lets you get on with your agenda.

Switch to dark mode in your Profile

Maybe your smartphone’s theme is light, but you’d prefer dark for MyQ Roger. Or the other way around. Choose any mode in your Profile settings and feel free to change it twice a day!

New languages – German & Spanish

I holed up with my headphones for a week and learned two new languages from scratch – so you can now enjoy MyQ Roger in Spanish and German! Es ist ja toll!


Register to MyQ Roger all by yourself

You can jump into using MyQ Roger right from your home or business trip. No need to wait till you’re at the office and your sysadmin sets up a company tenant for you. Just hit “Personal account” when you first open the app, choose a preferred sign-in option and give your mobile work with documents the green light.

Easy authentication – sign in with your Google account

Logins should be fast and not furious. You can now sign in to MyQ Roger conveniently by using your Google account, and you don’t need to puzzle over yet another username and password.

Easy authentication – sign in with Microsoft

You can use your Microsoft account for signing in to MyQ Roger, and automatically connect your OneDrive by doing so. Great combo if you use the Microsoft 365 package for work – you'll have your working tools under one login roof.

Easy authentication – sign in with Apple

iOS gentle-people out there, you don’t need to burden your Keychain with another item  you can also use your Apple ID to sign in to MyQ Roger.

Scan with your smartphone camera

One of our jokers, but certainly no joke. You don’t need a clunky scanning device anymore to digitize your paper docs. Say you’ve invited your partners to a business lunch and need to send the receipt to the accounting department. Do it immediately at Luigi’s Pasta Palace! Just take your smartphone out of the pocket, open MyQ Roger, aim the phone’s camera at the document, snap a photo (or three), crop and save it to a shared cloud folder, where Carl from accounting easily finds it.

Camera scan integrated in the home screen

From now on, two clicks are all you need to mobile scan in a flash with MyQ Roger. Don’t worry about connecting the mobile app to a printer. Tap on the main red QR button in the MyQ Roger menu, select Scan PDF, and let digitization begin.

Connect your Google Drive

You don’t like unnecessary clicking? Good, neither do I. That’s why I’ve minimized the number of clicks I need from you. If you sign in to MyQ Roger using your Google account, the app will automatically set up a connection to your Google Drive. If not, you’re free to connect or disconnect your Google Drive any time in your Profile settings in a few seamless steps.

Native print from Google Drive

You don’t need to actually be inside the MyQ Roger app to print. If your Google Drive is connected, you can submit files to MyQ Roger directly from the Google folder opened on your smartphone, by choosing “Open with – MyQ Roger” on iOS or “Print – MyQ Roger” on Android.  No need to switch between apps. 

Scan to Google Drive

You’ll get flexible cloud scanning at its best – you can now save your smartphone scans directly to a Scan folder set up by MyQ Roger on your Google Drive. Don’t forget you can also change the file name, unless you like the occasional random 3runfi-gnjeni.pdf.

Shortcut to "My Documents" in OneDrive / Google Drive

When you switch over to either of your cloud tabs, you'll see that right above the list of files you can tap on "My Documents", which will take you straight to your MyQ Roger folder in that given cloud drive.

File sorting for easy orientation

Tap the A-Z or clock icon in the top right corner while you're in the Jobs tab to sort your cloud files alphabetically or by date of creation.

Memory paging for better loading speeds

When you pop into a cloud folder that holds 100 files, MyQ Roger doesn't attempt to load all 100 of them at the same time. That would only freeze the screen and probably make you a mite frustrated. Instead, Roger loads the files gradually in steps at a time as you scroll.

Time stamp added to Ready Jobs

Ready jobs on your Home dashboard now tell you when it was exactly that you added them to your printing queue, so that you know at a glance which version you're printing.

Native print of files larger than 4MB (Android)

Don’t let anyone tell you how large your files can be when you print. MyQ Roger on Android will accept any size of locally submitted files, and you’ll save time googling how to cut your 72MB fancy picture-filled brochure into pieces.

Voice control using Google Assistant (Android)

It’s all well and good to have touchless remote control of the printer with the mobile app, but what if you can’t use your hands at a given moment? I say, use voice commands! Activate scanning or copying workflows in MyQ Roger by speaking to your Android voice assistant. After all, it’s there for convenience and accessibility.

"About the App" offers fresh updates

When you go to the bottom right tab "More" and "About the App", I will let you know if there's a new version of the app to upgrade to, and point you to (these) online Release Notes, where you can read about new features.

Online Release Notes

I want to keep this channel open as a place of sharing update notes. Come back whenever you want to see what recent features I’ve added to MyQ Roger!


Opening OneDrive / Google Drive files from the cloud tab

You'll often need to make sure the document you're about to print looks the way you remember it. Tap on the "open" icon next to its name, check it, share it outside the MyQ Roger app or even open it in its editor to modify it.

Native print from Adobe / Office applications (Android)

No need to go from app to app... to app. It's extremely easy to send PDFs or Word documents directly from where you’re viewing or editing them – from Adobe and Office mobile applications. Just hit Print” and select MyQ Roger as a printer. You can also share the document with MyQ Roger as an attachment.

Printing on Chromebooks

Chromebook users out there, MyQ Roger is the right cloud-printing alternative to adopt after the end of Google Cloud Print, and it offers much more – a single dashboard from which you can handle cloud documents, not only from Google Drive, but also in your OneDrive and local folders! And not just in terms of printing, but also scanning! 

More info in your profile

Find everything related to your account conveniently under More – Profile. Edit your e-mail address, change your avatar, generate a new PIN or manage which cloud drives MyQ Roger currently connects to.

Avatar capture improvement

Make your app truly yours with the new option to capture a selfie (or your cat’s cute face) and use it as your avatar!  


Remote Control of Printing & Scanning

The mission of MyQ Roger is to put your office in your pocket and remote control of the printer in your hand. It’s a) more hygienic, but mainly more convenient, because you already handle everything else from your smartphone, so why not printing and digitizing documents? Print from the cloud, set up scanning workflows and kick them off easily – all on your phone.

Connect your OneDrive

Cloud printing from OneDrive? Roger! Connect your Microsoft business account with MyQ Roger and you’re all set for printing jobs from anywhere and scanning directly to the cloud. Browse your subfolders directly in the app or on a MyQ Roger printer nearby. You can also print a job by sharing it with MyQ Roger when viewing the file in an editor.

Manage your Queued Print Jobs

To err is human, and we’ve all printed a doc only to change our mind two seconds later. No worries. You can manage files send to print – delete them from “Ready jobs”. Jobs you send to print are copied to the folder "MyQ Roger\Print", which MyQ Roger creates automatically on your OneDrive, are you’re not risking anything by deleting these copies.

Add a Recent Action to Favorites and Manage Favorites

When you perform an action in MyQ Roger– say, you copy a document (you literally “scan to print”), and it’s not among your workflows yet, you’ll find it in recent actions in grey color. It’s a shortcut you can use to repeat it, but you can also add it to favorites. Edit your colorful favorite actions as you need!

Voice Control using Siri (Apple)

Using MyQ Roger can easier than you thought. Use your voice to launch an action! When you’re setting up the workflow, choose a fitting voice command and record it for Siri. When you say it out loud, Siri will activate me, I'll snap my heels together and carry out your task in a flash. 

Manage your PIN

Have the flexibility to change your PIN on your smartphone. Find this option in your Profile on the right.

Upload your Avatar

I love meeting new people. Introduce yourself by uploading a picture of yourself in the Profile!

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